Palestine: Become a tourist guide with CROSSDEV project

July 12, 2021
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As part of the CROSSDEV project, partner Palestinian Heritage Trail launched a call for candidates from the project’s target areas to apply for a soon-to-start training to become “Community tour guides”.

The training aims to develop the capacities of people from the local communities to become tour guides and be able to accompany local and international guests during their visits of the areas surrounding the trail’s new hiking segment extending between Beit Mirsim to Battir, providing them with information about the local communities, history, hidden gems, the natural and cultural heritage and traditions. Deadline for applications is: 18 July.

CROSSDEV strengthens and enhances sustainable tourism practices, emphasizing common heritage and resources. Specifically, the project intends to increase touristic competitiveness and attractiveness of less-known destinations and rural/depressed areas, adopting the Cultural Routes concept in selected areas of 4 countries: Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

For more information

Press release

Application form

CROSSDEV project fiche

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *