Palestine: EU and Member States contribute to welfare expenditure

April 18, 2016
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The European Union, Austria, Ireland and Portugal are providing over EUR 12 million to support families living in poverty in the West Bank and Gaza, according to a joint communiqué distributed locally in Palestine on Friday 15 April 2016.
In this way, the European Union is making its “first contribution in 2016 to the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) quarterly payment of social allowances. Around 119,000 poor Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza will receive financial payments through the PA’s cash transfer programme. This contribution, amounts to around EUR 12.2 million and is funded by the European Union (EUR 10 million) and the Governments of Austria (EUR 1.5 million), Ireland (EUR 0.7 million) and Portugal (EUR 0.025 million).  (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – Palestine
The European Union and the Palestinians – Facebook page

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *