Palestine : Head of EU Police Mission meets Director General of Independent Commission for Human Rights

February 4, 2021
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The Head of the EU Police Mission (EUPOL COPPS) Nataliya Apostolova met the Director General of the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), Dr Ammar Dwaik on 1 February to talk about the human rights situation in the West Bank, in particular within the law enforcement and rule of law sectors.

The ICHR is working on a number of projects and initiatives related to human rights in the law enforcement sector, and the meeting between Ms Apostolova and Dr Dwaik provided a good opportunity to discuss areas of common concern, as well as possible joint efforts to meet the current challenges.

The recent changes in the Palestinian judicial system were discussed, as well as the upcoming elections. Ensuring free and fair elections will involve the participation of a number of law enforcement and rule of law institutions, and the possible obstacles to the holding of elections were also touched upon.

Dr. Dwaik moreover provided his insights into the situation as regards gender, gender-based violence and family protection.

EUPOL COPPS is the European Union Co-ordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support. The aim of the Mission is to contribute to the establishment of sustainable and effective policing arrangements and to advise Palestinian counterparts on criminal justice and rule of law related aspects under Palestinian ownership.


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Press Release


Countries covered:

  • Palestine *
Human Rights