Palestine: The MoSD adopts the economic empowerment policy among MoreThanAJob project outputs

August 3, 2022
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ENI CBC Med Programme

Per the workshop organised by the Nablus Chamber of Commerce & Industry and An-Najah National University titled “Effective Practices in the Field of Social Solidarity Economy towards a Consolidated Palestinian Community” MoreThanAJob project‘s stakeholder in Palestine: The Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) stated that the ministry adopts the Social and Solidarity Economy policy as an output of MoreThanAJob project.

The ministry obtained the policy of social empowerment through transferring its services from being direct aid to empowerment of vulnerable groups through supporting the pioneering startups and small enterprises owned by MoreThanAJob project target group.

As a result of this discussion panel, the involved project sub grantees : the Civil Society of Nablus Governorate (CSNG) and Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD) have established their own networking with the focal point of Tamkeen Program at the Ministry in a way that enable the beneficiaries of their training courses to get benefit and enroll in the Tamkeen Program.

For more information 

Press release 

MoreThanAJob project

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *