Palestine Youth Summit: From Aspirations to Actions

October 3, 2023
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The European Union, Belgian development agency (Enabel), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Sharek Youth Forum, and the Representative Office of Denmark organised a two day Youth Summit, which took place in Ramallah. The highlight of the event was an open dialogue on the second day, where the representative of the Palestinian government engaged in discussions with approximately 200 young Palestinians from the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.


This Youth Summit marks a significant milestone within the European Union Youth Empowerment Program, an EU initiative dedicated to fostering the socio-economic and political engagement of young Palestinians.


During the two day summit, the youth participants voiced their opinions, aspirations and shared their experience while engaging in the thematic sessions on economic empowerment, citizenship, leadership, and participation, climate action, artificial intelligence and storytelling. The summit yielded concrete policy recommendations, culminating in the creation of a pivotal Youth Charter. This charter articulates the challenges and aspirations of Palestinian youth and will serve as a guiding document for both the Palestinian government and the international community, ensuring that interventions align with the genuine needs of young Palestinians.

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Countries covered:

  • Palestine *