Palestinian police officers mentor their fellows after EUPOLCOPPS’ training

October 3, 2024
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The Training of Trainers (ToT) model is intended to engage master trainers in coaching new trainers that are less experienced on a particular topic. A ToT event can build a pool of competent instructors ready to pass on their know-how to their colleagues. The four ToT sessions that EUPOL COPPS had delivered so far to five officers of the Department of Information (DoI) of the Palestinian Civil Police (PCP) started bearing fruit.


The five trained PCP officers from the Department of Information (DoI) shared their acquired skills in delivering presentations to the EUPOL COPPS Police advisers from Germany and Canada who formed them on 30 September, in Ramallah.


The Head of DoI, Brigadier Shehadeh Amer, said that the officers, now trainers, are now ready to pass the information to other 31 DoI officers working in 11 West Bank districts. “It was a very useful training. The content was very intense,” said Amer. “The training will contribute to combating crime,” he added.


“It was a pleasure to work with our motivated Palestinian colleagues” said Christian Muller, a German Senior EUPOL COPPS Police Adviser – General Policing after distributing certificates to the trainees, together with Brigadier Amer.


During the past four sessions, EUPOL COPPS advisers provided hands-on learning techniques to the participants who worked on several well-established models including the “SMART”, which mean that the goals to achieve should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, and the “GROW”, good for problem solving by looking at Goal, Reality, Obstacles (or Options), and Way forward.


“Before attending this course, I was hesitant to deliver a presentation. But now I am very capable of delivering training to a large audience,” said colonel Mohammad Qarariyyeh after he held his PowerPoint presentation.

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *
Human Rights