Reinforcing independence of Arab Electoral Management Bodies: Tunisia holds regional meeting with support of EU project

March 14, 2017
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Within the framework of the EU-funded South Programme II, the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe jointly with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Independent High Electoral Commission of Tunisia supported the holding of the 2nd Annual General Assembly of the Organisation of Arab Electoral Management Bodies (ArabEMBs) in Tunis last month.

The Assembly, which was structured around a workshop on the theme of ‘Strengthening the Independence of Electoral Management Bodies’,  was attended by about 80 participants from ministries, electoral authorities, human rights institutions as well as international organisations. The workshop allowed the EMBs of Arab States to network, share experience and exchange on the tenets of EMB independence, international and regional standards, as well as the best practices for securing the impartiality of EMBs. A prominent part of the discussions was also dedicated to identifying main independence challenges that face the Arab Electoral Management Bodies in a bid to encourage mutual support in overcoming hindrances to nonpartisan and transparent elections.

The EU-CoE Joint Programme “Towards strengthened democratic governance in the South Mediterranean” – South Programme II, 2015-2017 – funded with a budget of €7.4 million – aims to contribute to the reinforcement of democratic governance in the Southern Mediterranean region by supporting the development of new constitutional and legal frameworks; contributing to the creation and expansion of a common legal space between Europe and the Southern Mediterranean and fostering regional co-operation in the field of human rights, Rule of law and democracy.

Co-operation activities under the South Programme are primarily directed to Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan and open to other countries from the Southern Mediterranean, through regional activities or targeted bilateral activities. 

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Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia
Human Rights