Remarks by Commissioner Várhelyi after his meeting with Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed

March 31, 2022
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“I came to Tunisia as a friend, a friend of Tunisia, and I also bring Europe’s friendship to Tunisia. As you know, the friends are there in difficult times – difficult times in Tunisia and also in Europe, in the context of the war in Europe, the cruel and unseen war since the Second World War.

The links between the EU and Tunisia are historic and unique, and are all the more important in a situation like the one we see today – we had COVID-19, now we have this war and all its implications. also for this part of our continent.

We would like to bring things for you and with your government we have developed ideas – we would like to bring concrete things that are real and that can change the lives of the people in Tunisia.


In the renewed partnership with the Southern Neighborhood, Tunisia plays a key role. Our economies are already closely linked. With our European countries which are already the most important investors, we have all the possibility and the capacity to increase our contribution and to accelerate development in Tunisia at the social and economic level.

In this respect, we are ready to mobilize around €4 billion for investments, to bring back ‘growth & jobs’, work and economic and social growth. To focus the economy on the new plan which will give renewable energies for Tunisia, to bring a high digital economy and also to increase your connectivity with us and the possibility of doing more exchanges with Europe.”

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Countries covered:

  • Tunisia