Statement by Vice-President Schinas in Lebanon to address the situation at the Poland-Belarus border

November 15, 2021
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“Good afternoon,

Beirut is the second stop in a series of visits I am making to engage with partner countries which are key in helping the European Union to put a stop to the unscrupulous instrumentalisation and weaponsiation of people by the Lukashenko regime.

Change is happening. I was in Dubai yesterday where I was impressed by the commitment of authorities of the United Arab Emirates to work with us to put an end to these practices.

I would like to salute publicly the decision by the Turkish Civil Aviation authorities that announced a couple hours ago their decision to also limit these type of operations.

And I got assurances from my interlocutors here in Lebanon that Lebanon is also ready to work with us in that respect.

We must build an international coalition against the use of people as political pawns.


I want to take the opportunity to thank Lebanon and the authorities for the significant efforts already undertaken to help us in limiting flights and their overall commitment in the joint management of refugee challenges in the region.”

For more information

Full statement

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon