October 18, 2024
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The European Union in Morocco, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Euro Mediterranean University of Fes (UEMF, from its French initials) have teamed up to launch the second edition of Students’ Innov’Up’s Hackathon for Innovation, an initiative whose goal is to encourage students and student entrepreneurs to innovate in the sustainable water management sector. This time around, the Hackathon will focus on entrepreneurial solutions for agricultural or industrial sectors, and will also propose the development of an information campaign on the good use of water resources, made by students for younger generations.


Faced with the shared challenge of water scarcity, Morocco, the European Union and the countries of the Mediterranean area find themselves in a worrying situation. The choices made today will influence their ability to handle future challenges related to water management. Climate change and the increasing demand for water have made developing sustainable and innovative solutions necessary.


In this given context, the Hackathon has proved to be a dynamic platform that encourages young talent to explore this shared challenge more deeply.  The goal is to design realistic, innovative and sustainable projects that can diminish the effects of water scarcity. They should also strengthen local communities’ adaptability to water scarcity.


During the event, student teams will benefit from intensive coaching sessions led by experts from the Startup Station so they can refine their ideas and prepare for the competition. Workshops and courses will take place over 48 hours in the Euro Mediterranean University of Fes to finalise the students’ projects. The best ideas will be presented to a jury, and three winning teams will receive a prize. They will receive personalised support to develop their ideas and transform them into concrete solutions.


In 2023, the first edition of the Students’ Innov’Up Hackathon was a resounding success, with the recognition of three innovative projects by young students in the fields of the environment and of sustainable development.


Who can participate? All students and student entrepreneurs with a valid student ID card and proof of enrolment in higher education in Morocco for the 2024–2025 year are invited to submit applications by 4 November 2024. In groups of two to four, they must have a project proposal on sustainable water management in the agricultural or industrial sectors, or on information campaigns on the good use of water resources.


The entry criteria are found on the European Union in Morocco’s website, with the following link:

Countries covered:

  • Morocco