SUDEP South launches a new call for solar street lighting systems in Lebanon

February 13, 2018
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The SUDEP South project in Halba, Northern Lebanon, best known as INARA project aims to supply up to 300 units of solar street lights to empower Halba Municipality in North Lebanon to use renewable energy and improve the quality of life of its citizens, provide a decentralized (off grid mode) source of street lighting, create public awareness, involve the local community, ensure lightened street, save energy for other community needs and increase working hours in the city.

As part of the SUDEP South project, the Business Incubation Association in Tripoli (BIAT) has launched a new call for decentralized solar street lighting systems to be installed in the city of Halba, North Lebanon. The tender documents can be downloaded here .

This EU funded project is intended to provide Halba with solar street lights in order to afford to citizens in one of the upmost deprived cities in Lebanon, one of their basic needs for a normal life which is “light”. The Electricity outage can reach up to 18 hours per day. The project involves the local community in the use and upkeep of the systems and in conducting training actions on renewable energy solutions.

The SUDEP-South project began in early 2015 with 12 cities in 6 countries of the southern Mediterranean. The objective of the SUDEP Programme is to assist local authorities in responding to the sustainable energy challenges and to enable them to implement sustainable energy actions leading to energy savings, energy efficiency and more use of renewable energy sources such as solar energy.


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Countries covered:

  • Lebanon