The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation: a new virtual platform and manual to connect companies with entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean

July 5, 2022
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The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation Platform, is the new virtual place for enabling connections between green businesses and innovative solutions. The platform, developed by MedWaves within the framework of SwitchMed, a programme funded by the European Union and STAND Up!, an EU-funded project under the ENI CBC Med Programme, is completely free and easy to use.

It enables the matching between the seekers of green and circular business solutions (companies and public institutions) with the providers (start-ups/entrepreneurs) using an open innovation approach.

this novel tool was developed with the aim to develop activities aiming at creating demand for sustainable products and services from both companies and public entities. The platform offers a way of fostering this demand through the promotion of eco-innovation as a way of supporting organisations to incorporate new green and circular solutions in their business models.

The platform will enable a methodological framework for open innovation enablers focused on circular economy, developed by MedWaves with the support of SDLI.

In addition to that and in order to promote open eco-innovation, MedWaves and SDLI developed a methodology, namely the Open Eco-Innovation Manual for Circular Economy Enablers, whose goal is to guide future open eco-innovation enablers with an understanding of the processes they will develop to facilitate connections between solution seekers and entrepreneurs. It also seeks to help meeting sustainable innovation challenges faced by private and public companies across different sectors.

For more information

Press release


Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia