Syria: Brussels VIII Conference 2024 – Online consultation

February 22, 2024
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Everybody, including members of civil society in Jordan and its neighbouring countries who are involved in working for “Syria Refugee Respond” are called to give their opinion.


This online survey will be taking part until 6 March and aims at supporting the Brussels VIII Conference 2024 by collecrting ideas and opinions on priorities for the future of Syria and the region.


This survey is designed to contribute to the Day of Dialogue at the 8th edition of the Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region, which will be held in Brussels on 30th April 2024. It aims to gather the opinions of the Syrian population and civil society, based both in Syria and neighbouring countries.  The data gathered by this survey will be compiled by COAR into a report that will be published in advance of the Conference.

For more information
Read in: عربي

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Syria *