TAIEX and Twinning report results achieved in 2015

July 19, 2016
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The EU’s Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) and Twining, the long-term institution-building instrument, announced a publication of a joint annual report reflecting the results and activities implemented through both instruments in the EU Neighbourhood and Enlargement countries in 2015. “Today TAIEX and its longer-term sister instrument Twinning continue to be in strong demand as powerful and most effective tools for capacity building and for providing advice and guidance when it comes to EU values, standards and legislation,” EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn said in the foreword to the report.
The publication explains the essence of the two instruments, presents infographics depicting the results of its work in Neighbourhood and Enlargement countries, success stories from the region andimpressions from the experts involved in them. The report also lists areas where it provides assistance, explains how eligible and interested countries could use the two instruments.
TAIEX is a demand-driven tool that supports partner countries wanting to join or reinforce their cooperation with the European Union with the approximation of national laws, regulations and quality standards to those of EU Member States in the framework of Cooperation or Association agreements signed with the EU. This year the EU instrument marks the 20th anniversary.
Twinning is a unique peer-to-peer instrument bringing civil servants from EU member states to Neighbourhood and Enlargement regions to provide hands-on exchange and information on EU standards and best practices. It also serves to establish direct, on-the-ground-cooperation between peers of beneficiaries and of EU Member States. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
TAIEX and Twinning Activity Report for 2015
TAIEX – website
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre project fiche – TAIEX
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre project fiche – Twinning

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