The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) has launched a regional consultation on the New Pact for the Mediterranean. This open region-wide survey, co-funded by the European Commission, is part of the larger consultations envisaged by the European Union with a diverse array of stakeholders ahead of the publication of the New Pact for the Mediterranean, the main political instrument that the European Commission aims to establish to deepen strategic cooperation with its southern and eastern Mediterranean neighbors.
This exercise aims to identify the key policy priorities across the region to align mutual interests, as well as the key channels and instruments to put in place in the upcoming years. In order to accurately reflect priorities and viewpoints in the respective national contexts, the survey targets respondents from the EU and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, including policymakers, experts, civil society representatives and the private sector. As Interreg NEXT MED Programme, we invite all interested stakeholders to participate in this survey which is open until the 30th of March 2025.
The survey is available in Arabic, English and French at the following link: