Three years of supporting democracy: EED to hold event on future of EU support for democracy in the EU Neighbourhood

June 24, 2016
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The European Endowment for Democracy is organising a special event on Thursday 30 June at its headquarters in Brussels to celebrate its three-year anniversary. The event, titled “Bridging gaps in EU democracy support – celebrating three years of EED” will focus on the future of EU support for democracy in the EU Neighbourhood.

Besides celebration, the objective of the meeting is to discuss existing challenges and constraints related to EU funding to civil society organisations in Neighbourhood and Enlargement countries, and to explore possibilities to mitigate those and draw practical conclusions and recommendations for possible improvements.
Register here by Monday 27 June 2016.
The European Endowment for Democracy assists pro-democratic civil society organisations, movements and individual activists, acting in favour of a pluralistic multiparty system, regardless of their size or formal status. The EED also provides assistance to young leaders, independent media and journalists, provided that all the beneficiaries adhere to core democratic values and human rights as well as subscribe to principles of non-violence. Women’s rights organisations and female activists will be among the recipients of support, and gender perspective will be mainstreamed in all decisions and EED-funded actions.
The European Commission funds the project ‘Support to the European Endowment for Democracy’, with the aim of supporting the core functioning of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) in the European Neighbourhood as an actor to foster and encourage democratisation and deep and sustainable democracy in countries in political transition and in societies struggling for democratisation. (EU Neighbourhood Info
Read more
European Endowment for Democracy website
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre interview with EED Executive Director Jerzy Pomianowski –The European way of fostering democracy
Support to the European Endowment for Democracy – fiche