The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) –Co-Evolve4BG Lead Beneficiary- organized a “Participatory Workshop” in Djerba, Tunisia last month. The event was composed of three main sessions.
The first session aimed to discuss the main outputs of Threat & Enabling Factors (T&EF) analysis at Djerba region with the participants It is worth mentioning that these T&EF were selected at the previous step based on the feedback of local actors through an “Online Brainstorming Survey ”.
In the frame of capacity building, the second session aimed to help local actors to understand better the general aspects related to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) /Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Blue Growth in a funny and interactive way.
The final session aimed to identify the main strategic axes to pursue in order to develop a coastal/maritime tourism that respects nature and -at the same time- brings benefits to Djerba.
EU-funded Co-Evolve4BG takes advantage from the methodology of the CO-EVOLVE project that was funded by the Interreg MED Programme and extend its main actions towards the South & East Mediterranean through the integration of new pilot areas. Co-Evolve4BG is part of a wider project, “Med Coast for Blue Growth” labelled by the 43 Countries of the Union for the Mediterranean.
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