A team from Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM), partner of the COMMON project, in collaboration with a team from the Centre National De Veille Zoosanitaire, associated partner of the project, returned to the port of Monastir, in Tunisia, to meet again the local fishermen community and share a questionnaire linked to the marine litter and its impact on marine biodiversity and on humans.
The questionnaire filling, with the aim of understanding the problems encountered, the habits and reflections of fishermen on the theme of marine litter, was followed by a discussion on the issue and on the development on possible solution to mitigate it.
COMMON (COastal Management and Monitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean sea), a European project funded by Eni CBC Med Programme that involves Italy, Lebanon and Tunisia with the aim of protecting the coasts of the Mediterranean from the marine litter through sustainable management.
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