Ahead of the European Researchers Night (scheduled in November 2020), the Tunisian research and innovation community is holding the ‘GREEN NIGHT’. A diverse team of experts in scientific research and communication science together with Civil Society Organizations will gather to organize the event. Green Night 2020 is funded by the European Union.
The program includes:
e-Caravane: Researchers from all Tunisian universities and research centres are invited to popularize their research activities by making short videos describing their research project.
e-meetings for Science Popularization: Four virtual panel discussions using visio-conferences will be organized in order to popularize the importance of science and scientific research in people’s daily lives.
Scientific mediation e-Training: The main objective is to understand the differences between popularization, mediation and scientific communication, to acquire the basics of scientific popularization and poster or oral communication and to know the different types of mediation (animation, organization of events, creation of multimedia content, show, etc.). The proposed e-training is intended for young researchers in order to prepare them for the researchers’ night with the adequate communication tools for the meeting with the general public.
Green night challenge: An automatic online platform will be made available for this purpose and an early announcement of the competition will be well studied so that the entire target audience will be kept informed of all the news about the challenge. The final results will be declared before the Researchers’ Night ceremonies and important prizes will be awarded to the winners during the event’s ceremony.
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Green Night website