UfM Mediterranean Youth Forum: Fostering Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

October 1, 2024
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The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), in collaboration with the European Commission and key regional partners, successfully concluded the Mediterranean Youth Forum: Building Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Held from September 16-18, 2024, in Helsinki, the forum brought together over 140 participants, including young entrepreneurs, policymakers, and private sector representatives from across the Mediterranean region.


This three-day event emphasized the importance of engaging youth in driving social innovation, digitalization, and sustainable economic recovery. The forum builds upon the UfM’s commitment, as outlined in the Marrakech Ministerial Declaration, to leverage youth potential for inclusive growth, innovation, and green recovery.

Throughout the forum, participants discussed the creation of sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems through a series of interactive sessions. The forum underscored the critical role of mentorship, access to quality education, and governmental support in overcoming barriers to entrepreneurship. Speakers and participants alike highlighted the rising importance of social responsibility, with young entrepreneurs increasingly focusing on green transition and local development.

Experiences from Mediterranean countries and beyond—such as Albania, Jordan, Finland, and Switzerland—were shared, highlighting successful models of youth engagement. A pre-event C-ROADS Climate Workshop allowed participants to explore strategies for addressing climate change, reinforcing the importance of youth involvement in combating global challenges.

In a meeting held alongside the forum, UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel and Finland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elina Valtonen, discussed deepening cooperation to promote youth entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean. The Secretary General praised Finland’s model of youth engagement and expressed UfM’s interest in adopting similar approaches in the region.

Recommendations from the forum will inform future UfM initiatives, including the Ministerial on Employment and Labour 2025 and the UfM Med4Jobs Stakeholders Dialogue set for December 2024. Participants also expressed interest in organizing future editions of the Mediterranean Youth Forum to continue fostering collaboration and innovation.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia