The UfM Regional Dialogue Platform on Women Empowerment back-to-back to the ETF Peer-Learning Seminar in Gender & Inclusiveness in Active Labour Market Policies Event, will be held in Barcelona on the 14th, 15th , and 16th of November 2023.
The physical UfM Regional Dialogue Meeting is scheduled on November 14 in Barcelona aiming at the adoption of the Roadmap 2023-2025 for the Implementation of the 5th UfM Ministerial Declaration on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society and at the follow-up of the First-ever Intergovernmental Monitoring Mechanism on Gender Equality launched in 2020.
The UfM Regional Dialogue Platform on Women Empowerment meeting will be followed by a two-days Peer Learning Seminar on Gender & Inclusiveness in Active Labour Market Policies organized by European Training Foundation (ETF), to take place on 15 and 16 November 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. The event will provide an opportunity to exchange and learn from different experiences how active labour market policies and training systems can accompany individuals and companies cope with the challenges based on gender inequalities and specific vulnerabilities.