Visit of the European Union’s Special Envoy for the Mediterranean Patrick Simonnet to Morocco

July 31, 2024
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During his visit to Morocco on 22 and 23 July, the European Union’s Special Envoy for the Mediterranean Patrick Simonnet took part in a working meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Living Abroad.

During this meeting, in-depth discussions were held on regionally important matters, such as security and stability and economic cooperation.

“Morocco is a very important player in the region and our cooperation is essential for addressing our common challenges in the Mediterranean,” said Mr Simonnet.

The EU’s Special Envoy for the Mediterranean also took part in a round table, organised by Diplomeds – The Council for Mediterranean Diplomacy and the European Union in Morocco, on the Mediterranean identity and Morocco’s foreign policy.

This exchange, which brought together EU diplomats🇪🇺 and Moroccan experts, was the occasion for a discussion of the EU’s role in the region, mutual perceptions and strategic viewpoints, as well as matters linked to Mediterranean diplomacy. An exchange of ideas that was both inspiring and necessary for enhanced cooperation.

Countries covered:

  • Morocco