WES Activity on the improvement of Non-Revenue Water management in Algeria concluded with a national consultation workshop

May 11, 2023
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Since June 2020, the EU-funded “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region” project, has been engaged in the implementation of an activity in cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources of Algeria, to assist the public water service ‘L’Algérienne Des Eaux’ (ADE) to target the reduction of non-revenue water (NRW) and to pursue its efforts to improve NRW management in the country.


During the last phase of this activity, a national consultation workshop with stakeholders was organised on 4 May 2023 in Algiers, Algeria.


The team of WES water experts presented the summary of the tasks accomplished during the activity as well as the results, conclusions and recommendations on the subject.


Most importantly, a set of actions to reduce NRW in the metering pilot zones by prioritizing measures to be implemented was recommended. These cost-effective measures that would also provide a rapid return on investment were verified with the stakeholders.


More than 40 stakeholders such as managers responsible for operation and maintenance of non-revenue water working in the pilot area of ADE Boumerdes Unit-Tizi Ouzou Zone, the Directorate of Drinking Water Supply (Ministry of Water Resources) and the Direction of Water Resources of the Wilaya of Boumerdes, along with the local authorities participated in this workshop.


A productive dialogue, an exchange of experiences and information among the participants on this activity and other relevant activities in the country was also established.

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Countries covered:

  • Algeria