Youth receive training in sustainable Blue Economy sector

April 19, 2021
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80 students and young people from across the Mediterranean took part in an intensive 2-day online training programme to address skills gaps and foster employability in the Blue Economy sector. The training programme formed part of the UfM’s commitment to promoting initiatives that foster careers in blue economy sectors and address barriers to employability such as the mismatch between skills and jobs.

Experts on skills for blue jobs contributed to 5 sessions covering a variety of topics related to blue jobs in the Mediterranean region: entrepreneurship, smart specialisation strategies, technological innovation for sustainable blue growth, and partnership building.

A session was dedicated to showcasing good practices adopted by 4 projects supported by the UfM.

Itaf Ben Abdallah, UfM Senior Advisor on Higher Education and Research, commented: “A competitive, resilient and socially-fair blue economy needs highly qualified and skilled professionals. Many blue economy sectors have difficulties to find the right people, and the current COVID-19 situation has increased the challenges even more. For all of these reasons, and in order to bring the worlds of academia and work closer together, the UfM has recently launched an initiative aimed at reinforcing career opportunities of students, graduates and researchers. The need is urgent for the Mediterranean region to make the best use of the potential of the blue economy, and to rebuild better.”


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Press Release

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia