Apply now for the VALUE FAIR 2020 in Greece

Opportunity type : Events
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In our societies, we are facing mistrust among citizens, resulting in discrimination and rejection of “the others”. This harms our living together.

VALUE FAIR 2020 aims to support actors of youth field in sharing, understanding and exploring values through Non-Formal Education (NFE). It focuses on how the following values: participation, sustainability, empathy, inclusion and equity, are approached, translated, promoted and transmitted. The fair will not focus on ‘tools’ and ‘methods’, but focuses on the “why” and “what for” of their work. It will take place from 1-5 April 2020 in Athens, Greece.


  • To explore and exchange how we understand these values.
  • To question the place of these values in our agenda and daily life.
  • To critically reflect upon why and how youth workers/leaders support these values towards young people.
  • To understand and promote how Non-Formal Education (NFE) can support these values.
  • To highlight the current challenges related to these 5 values.
  • To explore how to maximize the impact of these values on individual/ organizational/ community level.
  • To stimulate concrete networking in order to create qualitative future international projects, also within the Erasmus+ / Youth in Action Programme.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia