The Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) has launched a prize for young entrepreneurs from the European Union’s partner countries in the Mediterranean whose work demonstrates an innovative mind-set. The panel, which will be made up of ARLEM members, particularly wishes to recognise entrepreneurial projects at the local level, developed with the support of local and regional authorities, reflecting the assembly’s wish to encourage collaboration between the private sector and public authorities.
The prize, which will be awarded in Seville in 27 February 2019, is one of a range of recommendations contained in a draft report by ARLEM on how to promote entrepreneurship among young people in the EU’s southern neighbourhood. The draft report, which will also be adopted in February, is the work of Domenico Gambacorta (IT/EPP), President of the Province of Avellino. The draft was discussed on 11 October in ARLEM’s sustainable-development commission with experts from the European Commission and the European Training Foundation.
Applications are welcome from entrepreneurs up to the age of 35 whose businesses have been active for three years or more in Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Palestine, Monaco, or Montenegro.
The jury will award a project built with and for the community that can show results and a strong social dimension.
The deadline for applications is 30 November. ARLEM can cover the travel expenses of the two winners to Seville for the award ceremony.
A link for applications will open soon. For more information contact the ARLEM secretariat (