Better and Easier Lifelong Learning Education – BELLE online platform

Opportunity type : Training
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The BELLE platform has been developed with the aim to facilitate the access to lifelong learning opportunities for adults. It has 6 free introductory level learning modules in 7 EU languages.

The online learning platform, consists of the offer of a range of training modules for adult learners available in 7 EU languages. The platform is created in a way to ease the access for learners of getting to the core information they would like to find and will operate as a learning resource for the newly created course topics. Various training materials and information related to course provision, methodologies and innovative learning solutions will be also available thanks to the community of practice which will be integrated into the learning platform.

This free online platform ( has 6 different online courses that helps to promote the acquisition of tools that allow the users to enter the workplace more effectively and with the ability to continue learning throughout the entire life course.

The courses are:

  1. How to develop your soft skills
  2. How to find opportunities in the EU
  3. How to improve your digital competences
  4. How to interact with other cultures
  5. How to become an entrepreneur
  6. How to build your professional career

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia
Education Youth