Call for Applications – Dialogue Fellows – 2016 Programme
Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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The overall goal of the “Dialogue Fellows” is to foster young leaders and build their capacity to facilitate initiatives through democracy, participatory and empowering approaches, at national, regional and international levels.
This programme aims to enhance skills of 30 fellows, members (or staff) of CSOs with a balance in terms of: gender, fields of action, background, geographical coverage and nationality.
The fellows will identify key priorities in policy making and dialogue for sustainable solutions on: shrinking space, reducing inequalities and unemployment, mobility and migration.
Activities will be organised to support the fellows to deepen their objectives and mainstream best practices through various methods of interventions during, and in between the workshops.
The fellows will be expected to use gained skills to:
Contribute to their CSOs via offering sustained and creative support.
Apply tools (networking, advocacy, and communications) to continue their work in a sustainable manner, and become Trainers of Trainers to co-ordinate programme activities and build on knowledge and skills to reach further steps.
Advocate their local governments and international institutions for supporting democratic processes and the role of CSOs.