Call for proposals MAJALAT II

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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Fostering the structured dialogue with civil society in the Southern Neighbourhood and the EU

In the framework of the MAJALAT II, the project Consortium is launching a Call for Proposals with the aim to support CSOs from Southern Mediterranean countries in monitoring national and regional policies, conducting research, organizing events and producing key expertise to inform evidence-based policy-making and respect for human rights.The overall goal of the sub-granting programme is to increase the participation of CSOs in policy-making processes and dialogue, including with the European Union, thereby promoting public accountability and strengthening their advocacy role.  

The sub-granting programme will comprise up to 20 small grants to fund projects linked to the target themes of the MAJALAT II: 

  1. Good governance, rule of law and human rights 
  2. Climate change and social justice 
  3. Independence and transparency of the judiciary 

Over the course of one year (June 2024-June 2025), the sub-granting programme will support actions that will: 

  • Monitor efforts and develop policy papers that can  contribute to advocacy initiatives and multistakeholder dialogue. 
  • Produce expertise (studies, reports, other) that inform evidence-based recommendations to decision-makers in the region 
  • Organise workshops/conferences/seminars/small localized actions to explore the key 3 themes and recommendations, and increase the CSO participation in local/national/regional/ EU policy dialogues 
  • Develop and launch platforms and coalitions that can amplify advocacy messages and policy inputs as well as stimulate multi-stakeholder engagement 

Particular attention will be paid to applications that can demonstrate innovation and added value, as well as an inclusive approach towards young people, minorities, rural populations and women.  

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia