Call for proposals for the EU Peacebuilding Initiative (EUPI) 2018-2019

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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The global objective of the EUPI programme is to support and promote the conditions for a sustainable resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through civil society and citizens’ positive engagement.

Three specific objectives apply to this call for proposals:

1. Supporting innovative and results-oriented actions aimed at breaking through the current political impasse and/or reversing current negative trends, promoting tolerance, in order to contribute to ultimately reaching a two-state solution.

2. Supporting innovative and results-oriented actions that—through attitudinal change and the inclusion of key constituencies—promote the conditions necessary for a negotiated settlement of the conflict, which will ultimately lead to a two-state solution, and/or reverse negative trends by influencing the political sphere.

3. Supporting cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians, including in particular at the grass-roots level, in creating sectors of influence on policy arrangements in key areas of mutual interest, such as higher education, scientific and technological advancement, environment, agriculture, health, climate change, trade and business (including tourism) among others, with the aim of building mutual confidence and helping maintain the conditions for the viability of the two-state solution. For this specific objective, only cross-border projects implemented jointly by Israeli and Palestinian partners will be considered.

Within the three specific objectives, above mentioned, particular focus should be given to the following priorities:

  • Empowering women and enhancing their role and meaningful participation in conflict prevention and conflict resolution as agents of positive change at all societal levels. This should be reflected in the entire project cycle;
  • Engaging youth in conflict resolution and involving them in building a culture of peace in both societies;
  • Expanding the peace camp and promoting tolerance by including mainstreamed and less engaged audiences in a substantial manner;
  • Involving marginalised and/or sceptical groups that are not necessarily committed to conflict resolution or to the values and policies that the EUPI supports;
  • Fostering local leadership and grass-roots initiatives able of producing multilevel and long-term relation-building impacts at the cross-border level.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia