“Intellectual Properties Capacities for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Mediterranean Region” (IPMED) is a project that aims at contributing to the strengthening of usage of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) by start-ups, small and micro enterprises, entrepreneurial projects, and young entrepreneurs as a driving tool for innovation in the Mediterranean region. The project is funded by the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean Basin within the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI CBCMED) with a total of € 1.194 million.
Within the framework of IPMED’s activities, Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) the Jordanian Lead Partner in cooperation with its partners; FILSE in Italy, Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Greece and Tunis Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tunisia are organizing IPMED Closure Conference, which will take place on Thursday August 31st, 2023 in Amman.
The Conference will highlight IPMED’s achievements and outputs and will discuss further cooperation between all stakeholders to sustain the results.
A call for papers to participate in the conference on subjects related to IPR, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the project’s partners countries is open until Sunday August 20th, 2023, the language of the paper is English.
The selection of papers will be according to a specific criterion, noting that the participation paper from Italy, Greece and Tunis will be online and from Jordan will be onsite.