Capacity building of the National Authority of Evaluation (NAE) of the education system, training and scientific research, Morocco

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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This institutional twinning project contributes to the implementation of the Morocco-EU cooperation Plan targeting the education sector:

– The Kingdom of the Morocco enjoys a privileged position in the relations between the European Union (EU with other nations, translated into numerous partnerships including agreements in the field of higher education and scientific research that complement many actions bilateral with EU Member States) (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Hungary, etc.).

– The approximation of the system of higher education and research, as well as Moroccan vocational training to the European area of higher education and scientific research and vocational training has materialised in 2003 signed an agreement of cooperation science and technology (ASTC) with the EU. Subsequently, Morocco has also developed programmes of cooperation with the southern Mediterranean countries. The adoption also by the Morocco bachelor, master et PhD system facilitates the cooperation between the higher education systems.

Therefore the project is intended to contribute to the strengthening of the process of convergence in the area of higher education system and scientific research by strengthening the regulatory and methodological capacities of the National authority of evaluation the education system, the training and scientific research for the development of evaluation capacities sector and frameworks.

Countries covered:

  • Morocco