The objectives of this call are:
– Land-based sources of pollution (municipal solid waste and industrial waste) in coastal areas will be suppressed or mitigated.
– Development of comprehensive waste management schemes within municipalities located in the coastal river basins (excluding municipal waste water management).
The actions are:
– Studies (masterplans for waste management, integrated land and basin planning, business plans for combating pollution, technical feasibility studies, etc.)
– Investments (recycling, composting, recovery, disposal)
– Equipment provision
– Capacity building activities (to improve the inspection and enforcement skills of relevant actors in charge)
– Awareness raising actions (to reduce waste generation and learn to the population how to sort at source)
The action should include:
– a minimum treatment capacity of 100 tons/day of municipal solid waste and/or
– a proportion of at least 70% of the budget dedicated to investment and equipment in case of other wastes.
The actions should cover the whole waste cycle from prevention (avoiding and reducing) to disposal