Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment in Jordan

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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A new call for applications is just opened! Don’t miss the opportunity to Join this initiative organized by the GIZ implemented project E4DE together with Jordan Start to help you grow your business.
Jordan Start in partnership with the GIZ implemented project E4DE (Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment) will provide support for Startups with focus on financial sustainability as well as social and environmental impact. Program overarching goal is to foster private sector growth and stimulate job creation in Northern Jordan.
  • Eligible Sectors: Manufacturing/Circular economy and waste management/Sustainable energy/Water-food-energy nexus/Agri-Tech/And Tourism
  • Maturity Level:
    • Startups should have their product/ service in the market.
    • Startups that have not exceeded the four year mark.


  • Team and Recruitment : The project will target startups that are in process of hiring new staff.
  • Location: Startups should have at least one of the following points checked:
    • One of the Founders is from the Northern region.
    • Startup operations or activities conducted at the Northern region.
    • Startups that have future plans to expand their business into the Northern region.

Countries covered:

  • Jordan