Improvement of Public Infrastructures at Municipal Level, Lebanon

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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This Call for Proposal in Lebanon is in the framework of the program “Resilience and Social Cohesion Programme (RSCP) Strengthening the resilience of host communities and Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (Kurdistan)” which is a regional Programme funded by the European Union “Madad” Trust Fund.

It aims at improving the coverage and quality of basic social services provided to the most vulnerable host communities affected by the influx of Syrian refugees, while socially and economically empowering the local communities and decreasing inter and intracommunity tensions.

Moreover, in line with the national priorities (crisis response plans), it aims at building the capacities of national institutions, both at central and local levels, and at strengthening the role of the civil society (NGOs and CSOs), providing effective instruments to enable the development of mediumlong term sustainable delivery solutions.

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon
  • Syria *