Junior Facilitator for the Vision Med 2030 Mashreq Consultation Workshop

Opportunity type : Job Opportunities
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Med Dialogue is looking for a Junior Facilitator (Short-Term Expert) who will work in partnership with a Senior Facilitator to run the 2nd South-South Med Vision 2030 Consultation Workshop targeting CSO actors from the following Mashreq countries: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria, as well as related diasporas. This consultation process provides civil society actors and relevant stakeholders with a dialogue platform aimed at shaping a vision of the Mediterranean for the years to come.

The main objective of the consultation process is to produce a document that provides a vision for the Mediterranean region as a common space, and a lasting environment for cooperation and political construction. The workshop will also develop a set of recommendations/ ideas for a campaign advocating for this vision, following Vision Med 2030 conclusions/ results, and where objectives, target groups, and tools will be explored using Design Thinking approaches.

The specific objectives of the Junior Facilitator’s assignment are:

– Facilitating a cohesive team spirit among the participants in the South-South Workshop2.

– Facilitating group processes, dialogue and strategic thinking suitable for civil society leaders and young activists, building upon the outputs of the South-South Workshop1.

– Contributing to the drafting of a statement, a document of principles that translate common values into a vision s on the Mediterranean for the years to come.

– Contributing to a constructive and participatory exchange on possible advocacy campaigns following Vision Med 2030.

Countries covered:

  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
Civil Society Media