Monitoring of the EU Support to the implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy, Jordan

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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The main objective of this contract is to support the EU and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in monitoring the implementation of the programme “EU Support to the implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy“, and in particular with respect to the Budget Support component.  Only one contract will be signed for the two following activities:

Activity 1: The Contractor shall provide 5 yearly reports to review the progress made by the Jordanian authorities in the implementation of the NSWM strategy and advise the EU on the payment of the BS tranches.

Activity 2: Under the Communication and Visibility component, the contractor will design and implement the Communication and Visibility activities in line with the EU Manuel available at:

The contractor will have to develop a Communication and Visibility Plan in line with the template available at:

Countries covered:

  • Jordan