The subject of the Contract for Works is to find an alternative renewable energy solution in the area of the Union of Municipalities of the Upper West and Shahar, though installation of Solar Street Lighting (SSL). The project will cover the roads connecting the villages of Ainab, Beysour and Ramhala, as well as those connecting the villages of Ainab, Beysour and Keyfoun, all in Aaley Caza, Mount Lebanon Governorate.
The works will include earthworks (excavation/filling)with adequate compaction and haulage of debris, –surface preparation and blinding concrete, reinforced concrete works for the foundations of the new columns, the pavements along the roads and the rainwater canals and covers, interlocking concrete pavers, new steel poles with accessories, solar street lighting systems.
This Project shall follow the guidelines on Employment Intensive Projects (EIP) to provide public services and infrastructure projects along with the generation of immediate jobs, decent work and income opportunities for the affected population. Whilst EIPs aim at short–term opportunities, they should additionally aim at the provision of public infrastructure and services that support longer term social, environmental and economic development, including secondary employment effects.