The conditions of ecosystems affected by 2006’s oil spill are improved and the marine and coastal biodiversity is developed. This result will be achieved through actions within NGOs and universities that include:
– Investments, in particular, the promotion of marine biodiversity through new artificial reefs which meet environmental criteria (taking into account that one successful artificial reef has already been built on the Lebanese coast).
– Equipment, in particular supplying the two marine reserves with missing needed equipment and/or infrastructure for better management.
– Studies, such as those needed for properly designing the above investments and equipment/ infrastructure, and/or any study that would help meeting the set objectives.
-Capacity building activities to actors directly concerned by the impact of these activities.
– Awareness raising actions towards the local population, fishermen and students (“environmental education”) about the environmental and socio-economic impacts of preserving and developing the marine and coastal biodiversity (improved fishery’s potential, possible job creation through eco-tourism and leisure activities, marine life including turtles, birds, etc.).
The global objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the protection and sustainable development of maritime resources in Lebanon.
The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals is to recover affected marine ecosystems and develop marine and coastal biodiversity.