SKAFF Challenge: Upcycling fabric waste & old stocks, Lebanon

Opportunity type : Competitions
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If you are a Lebanese early and growth stage venture in the textile and clothing sector or a Lebanese independent entrepreneur offering a potential innovative solution to the challenge, head to The Switchers’ Open-Eco Innovation Platform, create an account, and ‘Submit a new idea’.

Make sure to include the following in the description of your solution:

  • What is the solution you are proposing?
  • How is it solving the challenge in question?
  • Why is it innovative?
  • How is it sustainable?
  • How your venture/innovation can be beneficial to the company in question?
  • Prove the feasibility of your solution.
  • How are you planning to spend the voucher of €20,000, noting that the budget can be spent on technical assistance and external expertise?

Feel free to attach any document that can give us a clearer idea about the innovative solution and how you are planning to implement it.

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon