Support to Cultural Activities, EU Delegation to Lebanon

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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The European Union, through the European Neighbourhood policy, works to achieve greater association and economic integration between the European countries and its neighbouring countries.

Promoting EU-Lebanon cultural cooperation and dialogue between cultures at international, regional, bilateral and local levels is one of the objectives of the EU Lebanon Action plan. The cultural area brings people and civilisations together. Arts, education and other cultural activities provide opportunities for dialogue between people that may otherwise not be so disposed.

In addition culture plays a key role in empowering Civil Society, including grass root organisations and contributes to political, social and economic development

It is in this context that the European Union, through its Delegations, funds cultural activities in its neighbouring countries.

Objectives of the programme and priority issues:

The global objective of this call for proposals is: The promotion of understanding and dialogue between cultures and people.

The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:

– The promotion of cultural diversity and exchange through cultural events, performances and the rapprochement between peoples from different walks of life through cultural activities.

– Enhancing the visibility of the European Union in Lebanon

– Financial Support (up to EUR 40,000) to local civil society organizations, mainly grass root organizations and small cultural operators. The financial support aims to finance cultural expressions for example in the form of art, literature, music, dance, theatre, film, storytelling etc. Such manifestations and events have a cultural value, and are also tools for communication and information.

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon