European Youth Event – Strasbourg, June 2023

May 24, 2024
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The European Youth Event #EYE2023 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg unfolded over two dynamic days, each brimming with its unique essence. Day 1 buzzed with energy as participants delved into an engaging quiz about the EU’s Neighbourhood, absorbed inspiration from impassioned discussions on youth activism, and collaborated in a Thinkathon to address shared challenges. Meanwhile, Day 2 exuded a vibrant blend of education and enjoyment, with EU Goodwill Ambassadors and EU Jeel Connectors from the Southern Neighbourhood immersing themselves in the EYE Village. They eagerly attended enriching workshops, explored interactive displays showcasing EU opportunities, and swayed to the melodies of open-air concerts, uniting in an atmosphere of exploration, camaraderie, and indelible memories. #EU4Youth #YouthPower



European Youth Event - Strasbourg, June 2023
