Aims to help local governments in the ENPI region address urban development problems in a sustainable manner, promoting cooperation between local actors and their EU counterparts
Countries covered: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia (South), Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine (East)
The programme “Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue” (CIUDAD) aims to promote mutual understanding, dialogue and cooperation between local actors in the EU and in the Partner Countries of the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood (ENPI region) through the provision of capacity building for the modernisation and strengthening of local and regional government. It also seeks to create new partnerships and strengthen existing ones, among local and regional authorities in the ENPI region (South-South, East-East and South-East partnerships), leading to long-term benefits extending beyond the life of the programme.
CIUDAD builds on the work of previous initiatives such as the MED’ACT and MED-PACT programmes funded under the MEDA instrument (South), and the TCAS and IBPP programmes funded under the TACIS instrument (East) and others.
21 projects that receive co-financing (grants) focus on three thematic priorities. These are: Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency; Sustainable economic development and reduction of social disparities; Good governance and sustainable urban development planning. Partnerships are made up of consortia of organisations including local authorities, universities, NGOs and others working on sustainable urban development issues, both from the EU and ENPI partner countries.
A supporting mechanism to the programme provides technical support to the beneficiaries, monitors progress and ensures the dissemination of results of the projects and visibility of CIUDAD, primarily through the use of existing city and regional networks.
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