Clima-Med, Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean

Project Duration
8 years
Euros 9,484,637
Learn more about the project

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia

Phase I 2018-2022

Clima-Med is an EU-funded project that supports the transition of south Mediterranean countries to a sustainable, low carbon and climate-resilient economy by enhancing their energy security and strengthening their adaptative capacity to climate change impact.

Operating in 8 Southern Neighbourhood countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine & Tunisia, Clima-Med implemented three work packages aiming at

  • Improving climate change governance and mainstreaming climate action in coordination with national authorities dealing with Climate Change
  • Preparing cities’ Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) jointly with local authorities
  • Developing proposals to finance cities’ climate actions and matching them with investors and funding institutions.

Clima-Med has concretely backed local authorities in financing concrete actions, mounting quick-win pilot projects that are easily replicable, and preparing funding proposals to match with investors and development agencies.

Clima-Med has boosted Communication and Awareness Raising and prepared multiple tools to promote multi-stakeholder dialogue, conduct joint campaigns, empower local authorities as awareness-raisers, and engage citizens against Climate Change.

Overall achievements

  • 7 Climate Action Strategies (CAS) prepared.
  • 69 SEACAPs were produced.
  • 426 cities’ staff trained in developing SEACAPs.
  • 8 National Coordination Groups (NCGs) created
  • 7 SEACAP Support Mechanisms proposed to support plans’ preparation & implementation.
  • 30 Funding models of pilot projects prepared.
  • 1 Climate Finance Guidebook produced to mainstream climate funding.
  • The Covenant of Mayors for the Mediterranean, CoM Med, set to serve 19 countries.

Actions in brief

Phase II 2022-2025

Clima-Med Phase II is structured around two main components:

Consolidate the results and support the sustainability of Clima-Med I by means of:

  • Empower the National Coordination Group to be maintained beyond Clima-Med’s lifespan, making enhanced use of the Climate Action Strategy (CAS).
  • Support the implementation of the SEACAP Support Mechanisms
  • Enhance mobilisation around the Covenant of Mayors for the Mediterranean
  • Ensure appropriation of the Climate Finance Guidebook
  • Support access funding to implement SEACAPs actions
  • Leverage Clima-Med’s successful approach to SEACAP development
  • Strengthen communication around EU Green Deal

Provide technical support for the implementation of the Climate for Cities (C4C) programme launched by the EU to promote a transition towards greener and climate-resilient cities in the Southern Neighbourhood, in line with countries’ commitments under the Paris Agreement, making optimum use of climate finance instruments.

Six projects included in SEACAPs have been selected and awarded EU grants to support their implementation.


Civil Society Environment & Climate change Gender Sustainable Development Youth