eTwinning Plus

Project Duration
2014 - 2020
Learn more about the project

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

eTwinning Plus extends the eTwinning programme for schools to certain countries of the eastern and southern neighbourhood (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon, the Republic of Moldova, Tunisia, Ukraine). It offers a safe online platform for these countries’ staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.) to communicate, network, collaborate and develop projects with other schools in Europe.


The objectives of eTwinning Plus are to:

  • Facilitate communication and collaboration among teachers in different countries and in particular among teachers from Erasmus+ countries and neighbour countries via online, safe tools.
  • Encourage and carry out joint projects involving both teachers and pupils/students.
  • Engage teachers in online communities to share best practice and ideas. 
  • Provide professional development activities both on-site and online.


Actions in brief

  • Public eTwinning Plus portal in 3 languages, including news, resources, project ideas and kits, professional development opportunities and examples of successful projects.
  • eTwinning Live: online platform to enable teachers from partner countries to interact and network among themselves and with their peers from Erasmus+ countries also via specific, topic-based, eTwinning Groups.
  • TwinSpace safe platform accessible only to teachers and pupils/students participating in a project.
  • Partner Support Agencies in each partner country to promote eTwinning Plus and support, monitor and guide teachers. 
  • Professional development for teachers in partner countries.


Education Youth