Euromed Justice III

Project Duration
2011 - 2014
€5 million

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

Contributes to the development of a Euro Mediterranean area of cooperation on justice, through strengthening the development of the institutional and administrative capacity of Partner Countries and good governance
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, and Tunisia.

Actions in brief

  • Holds 24 meetings and training sessions on the working group issues.
  • Sets up 4 working groups on cooperation in the areas of: access to justice and legal aid, justice and new technologies, resolution of cross-border family conflicts and criminal and prison law, to formulate comparative report of national experiences and ‘handbooks’ on the respective themes.
  • Organises 3 study visits to EU, for judges, magistrates, prosecutors other members of the judiciary and officials.
  • Conducts 2 meetings with Judicial Training Centres for the strengthening of magistrates’ training.
  • Drafts a research report on access to justice and legal aid.
  • Drafts a research report on resolution of cross-border family conflicts.
  • Creates a project website, providing a range of information on its activities.
  • Organises 3 regional conferences of general value for the development and promotion of the project’s progress.


Human Rights