MedUP! Promoting social entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region

Project Duration
2018 - 2022

Countries covered:

  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

The project has the objective to increase economic inclusiveness and employment in targeted countries by: (i) promoting country and cross-country policy and advocacy initiatives and public-private dialogue to create an enabling regulatory and policy environments (macro level); (ii) reinforcing 60 social entrepreneurship support organizations through capacity-building and networking activities (meso level); (iii) providing financial and technical support to 100 social enterprises (micro level).

Countries covered: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.


The project’s overall objective is to promote an enabling environment in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries for the development of the social entrepreneurship sector as a driver for inclusive growth and job creation.

Its specific objective is to increase economic inclusiveness and employment in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine where adequate policies on social entrepreneurship are in place, public-private dialogue and exchanges of practices are promoted and high quality services for social enterprises are provided.

Actions in brief

(i) Carry-out national and regional analyses of the main social entrepreneurship perceptions, actors and priorities including barriers to, and economic impact of, women and youth entering the regional labour force;

(ii) Conduct policy and advocacy initiatives on the importance of social entrepreneurship as a mechanism for inclusive growth and job creation at national and cross-country level;

(iii) Enhance public-private debate and stimulate initiatives and policies supporting social entrepreneurship for women and youth;

(iv) Conduct national needs assessment and provide capacity building for targeted social entrepreneurship support organizations;

(v) Provide technical support to develop innovative products and services targeting social enterprises;

(vi) Promote networking activities between social entrepreneurship support organizations and local financial institutions;

(vii) Organize exchange and networking events between public and private key stakeholders and their counterparts in the EU and in the Southern neighbourhood;

(viii) Set up sub granting schemes for financial support to selected social enterprises;

(ix) Provide technical assistance services for the development of viable social enterprises;

(x) Collect good practices of promising social enterprises and disseminating them at national, regional and European level;

(xi) Define a strategy for the replication of successful social enterprises.

Implementing partners:

Oxfam Italia, Lead Applicant; Oxfam Novib, Oxfam Intermon and Oxfam GB affiliated entities ;

European co-applicants: Diesis, Euclid Network and Impact Hub International;

Southern Mediterranean co-applicants: Tunisian Center for Social Entrepreneurship (TCSE) in Tunisia ; ENACTUS in Morocco; JOHUD in Jordan; PARC in OPTI; SEKEM in Egypt;

Associated Entities: Tuscany Region, Sardinia Region, AIDDA, Banca Etica.


Employment & Entrepreneurship Sustainable Development