The programme supports local and international civil society initiatives that promote peace, tolerance and non violence in the Middle East, seeking to contribute to the rebuilding of confidence within each society and between societies. Initiatives can be undertaken by each of the target countries, individually or jointly, or together with partners from EU Member States or other eligible countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, West Bank & Gaza, beneficiaries of Pre-Accession Assistance or Member States of the European Economic Area).
The EUPfP seeks to strengthen the capacity for conflict resistance and empower marginalised parties as well to build trust between Israelis and Arabs.
The EU “Partnership for Peace Programme” supports initiatives in areas which are likely to have a direct impact on Middle East people’s everyday lives and welfare, including practical activities to promote communication and understanding. Projects include finding and implementing mechanisms for conflict management and educating communities about concepts and skills for dealing with disputes and for promoting peace. The EUPfP also seeks to strengthen and increase direct civil society relationships and cooperation, based on equality and reciprocity between Israelis, Palestinians and other Arabs.
A call for proposals is published annually or bi-annually and the selection is made by a specialized evaluation committee. On average, 15-25 projects are selected for each round, with a maximum duration of 36 months, and EU contribution ranging from €100,000 – €500,000.
Some example of projects implemented: