Regional Communication Programme

Project Duration
2011 - 2014
€14 million

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

The programme aims at boosting public awareness and understanding of the EU and its policies in the EU Neigbhourhood area. It seeks in particular to improve knowledge of the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU relations with partner countries and territories

Countries covered: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine (East); Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, occupied Palestinian territory, Syria*, Tunisia (South)


The Programme seeks to increase public knowledge and awareness of the EU and its relationship with the Neighbourhood countries and to create a local sense of involvement and shared ownership. It clarifies policies but also highlights the cooperation actions implemented by the EU in the region. It facilitates cooperation between journalists and media organisations, helps to build sustainable communication networks, and reinforces the capacity and competences of the main disseminators in the field of communication.

What Does It Do

The Programme funds three projects:

  • Information support campaign (EU Neighbourhood Info Centre) focused on information production and dissemination and communications support;
  • Journalists’ training and networking (Media Neighbourhood), which provides on-the-job training for journalists from leading media in the region;
  • Opinion polling and media monitoring (EU Neighbourhood Barometer) , conducting media monitoring and opinion surveys.

The programme focuses on supporting and working with local journalists and media organisations with a view to maximise outreach to the general public. It builds up knowledge on the EU’s policy and cooperation actions in the ENPI area, increasing access to information in local languages and through appropriate and targeted channels of dissemination. It reinforces the communication capacities of EU-funded project actors, thus building sustainability over the long term. It also deals with gauging public opinion in the Neighbourhood countries and territories.

It follows on from the previous Regional Information and communication programme (2009-2011).


What do you want to do ?

New mailCopy

Actions in brief

       Trains local journalists, and builds up media networking to reinforce dialogue and share experiences in the EU Neighbourhood countries and territories;
       Produces ready-to-use communication material in local languages;
       Contributes to media coverage of EU policy/relations/cooperation;
       Reinforces and adapts online dissemination tools and social media), with access in local languages;
       Reinforces through training the communication capacities and competences of EU cooperation project staff;
       Supports ad-hoc EU Delegation requests in the field of important communication activities;
       Conducts comprehensive media monitoring and analysis of media landscape;
       Carries out opinion polls to gauge perceptions and opinion among key target audiences in the partner countries and territories  to help evaluate the impact of EU policies; in 2012, a EU Neighbourhood barometer will be launched as part of the programme.
Civil Society Culture Media Sustainable Development