We Gov! – Empowering MENA Civil Society Organisations’ Participation in Policy Making

Project Duration
2015 - 2018
€ 1.099 million
Learn more about the project

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Libya
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

The project seeks to strengthen the engagement of civil society organisations (CSOs) in the reform policy processes and their contribution to creating a post-2015 development agenda in four countries that show low scores in terms of governance indicators and specifically Voice, Accountability and Government Effectiveness.

Countries covered: Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Tunisia


The main objectives of the project are to:

  • Build a favourable environment for inclusive, democratic and sustainable growth in Tunisia, Libya, Jordan and Palestine by fostering the involvement of CSOs.
  • Strenghten the role of CSOs as watchdogs in the reform agenda and policy process through the improvement of governance mechanisms, enhancing capacities and establishing networks and alliances among CSOs and other stakeholders (including private ones) working at local and regional level.

Actions in brief

The project focuses on three main areas of activity:

Capacity building: a series of national trainings on good governance, policy making, public policy monitoring and evaluation, advocacy and lobby, as well as project cycle management, will be held in the partner countries.

Good governance and accountability practices: a call for proposals will be open for small and pilot projects to be implemented by CSOs in their respective countries. The initiatives will tackle different issues according to the different governance contexts of the four target countries.

Network, good practices and knowledge sharing: two international seminars will be organised in 2017 – 2018, with the aim of promoting mutual understanding and exchanging of good practices and experiences among CSOs at regional level.

Local partners : ACCUN (Tunisia), FAL Organisation pour le développement humain, pour la défense de la liberté de pensée et créativité (Libya), Human Appeal International (Palestine), MA’AN Development Centre (Palestine), Amman Centre for Human Rights Studies (Jordan)


Civil Society Culture Media Sustainable Development